Sunday, October 11, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Here are a few examples of calls to action:
  • I am not ready for people to make comments on my blog.  
  • Link to other articles outside your site. I have linked to other things in my blog, I have no need to do this at this time.
  • Link to other posts within your blog or site. I do not see the reason to do this to my blog.  If they did not read it, they did not read it.  If they want to read it, they will read everything.
  • Share products/services (if relevant).   Maybe I will sell T-shirts someday. 
I found a Facebook group that posts a lot of good tips.  Mostly in pictures.  So this picture, I downloaded and placed as a background.  It has so much information that is relative to me at this time I find that this medium is useful to me, and my learning and writing.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Entering Fire and Brimstone

I have a project in progress, I am going to lean to referencing that project.  Since there is a new world, I thought I would talk about some of the things I have seen in all of the land.  Meeting Ravenskiss, Brof, Daser, and Echon, and another creature in this world.